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Sending leads to Jaldi via Webhooks – Connect to website lead forms


You can use Jaldi webhooks to automatically send leads to your campaigns and auto-assign leads to your sales agents. The webhook can be integrated into a website form or in another application where you are gathering lead details. You will need a web developer to connect the webhook with your lead forms.

Steps: Create a Webhook Campaign

1. In the campaign section, click on create a new campaign and then select Add web form campaign.

2. Create a name for your Jaldi campaign and tap on next.

3. Select the agents you want to assign leads from this campaign. Once done, tap on next.

Note: Jaldi uses a round-robin distribution system (Alternate lead distribution).

4. You will be able to see the campaign_id, API key, and endpoint URL on the next page. You will need these details to send requests to Jaldi via your website form. Tap on next once you have copied these details.

Note: All details on integrating the webhook with Jaldi are available on this page. You will be able to access these details later as well from the campaign details page.

5. Click on Finish to complete creating the campaign.

Note: You can access the API Key, campaign_id, and endpoint URL on the campaign details page once the campaign has been created.

Example request

The Jaldi webhook can work with any system that supports REST-based APIs. An example request in Javascript is shown below.

					var form = new FormData();
form.append("camp_id", "<your_camp_id>");
form.append("lead_f_name", "Jhon");
form.append("lead_l_name", "Doe");
form.append("lead_phone", "+923000000000");
form.append("lead_email", "");
form.append("lead_uploaded_notes", "Hello these are my additional notes");
var settings = {  "url": "",  "method": "POST",  "timeout": 0,  "headers": {    "Authorization": "Bearer <your_api_key>"  },  "processData": false,  "mimeType": "multipart/form-data",  "contentType": false,  "data": form};$.ajax(settings).done(function (response) {  console.log(response);});

Steps: Connect and get leads data from Jaldi via API

The following API can be used to retrieve leads from your Jaldi account.

  • URL:
  • Request type: POST
  • Body: None


  • Authorization: “Bearer ” ( From Step 3 )

Query Parameters:

Name Type Description
last_update_from String Filter the leads based on last updated time by giving from datetime in the format "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm"
last_update_to String Filter the leads based on last updated time by giving end datetime in the format "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm"

Example request

An example request in Javascript is shown below.

					var settings = {
  "url": "",
  "method": "POST",
  "timeout": 0,
  "headers": {
    "Authorization": "Bearer <your_api_key>"

$.ajax(settings).done(function (response) {
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