Edit a campaign
Steps: Pause an agent
Note: The agent that is being paused will not receive new leads. However, they will be able to view the campaign on their mobile application and work on their existing leads.
- Select the campaign that you want to edit by clicking on it from the campaigns tab.

2. Click on the pause button for the agent that you want to pause for this specific campaign.

3. Click on the Yes button to confirm pausing the agent from this campaign.

Steps: Unpause an agent
Note: The agent that you unpause will start receiving new leads from this campaign.
- Click on the unpause button for the agent that you want to activate again on the campaign.

Steps: Remove an agent
Note: The agent that you remove will no longer be able to see the campaign. Their pending leads that have not been contacted yet will be reassigned to other agents in the same campaign.
- Click on the three dots in front of the agent that you want to delete and click on remove.

2. Click on Yes to confirm removing the agent from the campaign.

Steps: Edit the number of leads being assigned to each agent
Note: This feature is only available for CSV campaigns.
- Click on the edit button on the campaign for which you want to change the number of leads being assigned to each agent.

2. Input the number of leads per agent that you want to assign for this campaign and click on the save button.

Steps: Edit the name of the campaign
- Click on the edit button on the campaign for which you want to change the name.
- Input the new name of the campaign and click on the save button.

Steps: Add leads to the campaign manually
If you have new leads coming in for the same campaign, you can add them manually in the same campaign without having to create a new campaign altogether.
- Click on Add Leads on the campaign and then select Upload CSV file or Manually (in case of a single lead).

Steps: Archive the campaign
Note: The campaign that you archive will no longer be visible to your sales agents. However, you will be able to unarchive the campaign whenever you want again. The pending leads will be assigned equally between the agents once the campaign is unarchived.
1. Click on the three dots on the top right in a campaign and select Archive.

2. Click on Yes to confirm archiving the campaign.

Steps: Delete the campaign
Note: All your data for this campaign will be deleted and none of your agents will be able to work on it. It is not possible to undo deleting a campaign.
- Click on the three dots on the top right of a campaign and select Delete.

2. Click on Yes to confirm deleting a campaign.