Creating a CSV campaign on Jaldi
1. Go onto the Campaigns tab & click on Create a CSV Campaign
2. Name your Jaldi Campaign (this is the name you & your Agents will see)

3. After naming your Campaign, you will be prompted to upload your CSV File

4. After uploading your file, you map the columns in your CSV file to Jaldi

“First Name” and “Phone” are the only mandatory fields. Our recommended format for phone numbers is
+CountryCode(PhoneNumber) eg +923218256153
Jaldi automatically cleans your data and checks for duplicates using the phone number columns, and any text, spaces, and non numeric characters are removed.
You will see how many Leads were successfully uploaded, and you can export the file at this time to check the errors!

5. Next, you select which Agents you want to add to this Campaign

6. Finally, you select how many Leads every Agent gets per batch – whoever finishes their Leads first will get the next batch!

You’re all set! Your Jaldi campaign will automatically give the most Leads to the most productive Agents first!
If you’re looking to edit your already existing campaign, click on this link for more information.